
Submitting your support request

We provide free technical support for license holders via email. Program related questions and problems can be submitted to this service. Schneider Software reserves the right to change, limit, or discontinue the provision of free Dynascope technical support at any time. We try to answer technical support questions within one working day.

To obtain technical support by email, please contact us at:

What to include

Please provide your name, company name, serial number, Dynascope version, and Microsoft Windows version.

Please use a subject line that identifies the problem or question.

If you are reporting a program fault, please describe it and provide precise instructions on how to reproduce it.

If a problem is evident in the appearance of a plot, please include an image file of the plot.

If a problem involves an error message, please include the message identification string from the title bar of the error message.

If a problem is related to incorrect reading of your data file, we can best resolve it if you send us a portion of the data file that is sufficient to test the problem. This portion should include all data file lines preceding the numerical data, including the entire variable names row, and at least the first 10 to 20 rows of numerical data. Before sending the partial file, please be sure that reading that partial file reproduces the problem. Please also include the ten file parameter values used to read the file. Any data files that you send to us will be treated as your confidential property. We will only use your data to solve the problem you have noted. After resolving your issue, we will not retain your data.